We support Democatic candidates at the local, state and federal level with canvassing, phone calls, post card campaigns, letters to the editor, visibility events, community service events, sharing on social media and more.
We meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7pm. We share information and have guest speakers to help stay informed. We went back to hybrid meetings in April 2024 in person at Marion Gerrish Community Center, and via Zoom for those who are unable to attend in person. RSVP to DerryDems@gmail.com to get the Zoom link.
There is something for eveyone to help with. Find what fits for you. Let us know at DerryDems@gmail.com if you would like to be added to our email list or have any questions.
EDUCATIONWe oppose using our tax dollars to fund private and religious education. NH should fulfill its legal responsibilities to fund an adequate education in our public schools. We support our public schools and teachers and do not want them attacked or criminalized.
TAXESWe do not support a NH income or broad-based sales tax, but we oppose the Republicans cutting taxes on the wealthy and large businesses which have taken tax dollars from our public schools and added to our local property tax burden. We need property tax relief.
REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOMAbortion is essential healthcare and should remain safe and legal. We believe that personal reproductive decisions are between patients and their doctors and should not be legislated or controlled by the government! We support codifying the right to abortion access into state law.
EQUALITYWe believe that all human beings deserve personal freedom & liberty, and equal opportunities to pursue happiness regardless of race, religion, gender, sex, ability, income, or zip code. We will fight to protect equal rights under the constitution for all people.
TAXESWe do not support a NH income or broad-based sales tax, but we oppose the Republicans cutting taxes on the wealthy and large businesses which have taken tax dollars from our public schools and added to our local property tax burden. We need property tax relief.
REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOMAbortion is essential healthcare and should remain safe and legal. We believe that personal reproductive decisions are between patients and their doctors and should not be legislated or controlled by the government! We support codifying the right to abortion access into state law.
EQUALITYWe believe that all human beings deserve personal freedom & liberty, and equal opportunities to pursue happiness regardless of race, religion, gender, sex, ability, income, or zip code. We will fight to protect equal rights under the constitution for all people.